Three Steps to Overcoming Impostor Syndrome and Embracing Your Expertise


Discover the Simplicity of The Freedom Framework®️:

Free Yourself from Impostor Syndrome, Fully Own Your Expertise and Authority and Genuinely Feel Good Promoting Your Business.


Recording of the LIVE Masterclass + Workbook

Do you feel the pressure to promote but instead find yourself hiding behind the scenes staying firmly in your comfort zone?

You are ready to: 

  • Post on social media without agonizing for hours and then wanting to delete it. 

  • Deliver workshops or go live without second guessing yourself.

  • Speak about your client results without feeling like they’re a fluke.

  • Seek speaking opportunities without worrying if you’re good enough.

  • Participate in communities feeling like you belong and have value to contribute.

And it’s time for you to help more people, make more impact and generate more income…

Then it's also time to release the 'impostor' that's hiding your brilliance, so you can own your expertise and feel confident sharing it.

The truth is most expert coaches experience impostor feelings - even very established ones!

But there's a hidden cost to you and your business if it's left un-checked:

  • Loss of traction.

  • Diminished self esteem and confidence.

  • Drastically reduced income.

  • Less impact.

  • Less joy.

This is YOUR turning point to freedom from The Impostor Within

👉 Uncover the root cause of your impostor feelings and how you're making it worse.

👉 Embody a new understanding of your brilliance and what you're capable of.

👉 Learn the shift in focus to free yourself from impostor feelings whenever they arise.

👉 Commit to your next bold action with clarity, conviction and confidence knowing you have tools, support and accountability to make it happen.


  • Gain full clarity on where your impostor feelings are coming from and why.

  • Learn to spot your own avoiding, hiding and dumbing down behaviours so they stop holding you back.

  • Discover the potency of your natural talent, strengths and expertise and make comparison irrelevant.

  • Learn the shift to owning your expertise and authority and taking aligned action.

  • Feel motivated and clear on your next level action and how to continue to build your belief.


  • Detailed workbook and exercises where you’ll capture your personalised insights, strategies and plan that you can refer back to again and again.

  • Emails with additional insight and support.

  • Access to a discounted implementation call where I'll help you apply the learning and give you individualised support to take action on it.

Secure it all for £47

90 minute Masterclass


Email support

Discounted Implementation Call

Get ready to see yourself in a whole new way and go from feeling like a fraud to showing up as the ‘real you’.

This is for you if you…

👉Are ready to stop investing in all the courses and start implementing what you know.

👉Want to get to the bottom of your impostor feelings and be free of them once and for all.

👉Are excited about showing up with more impact, conviction and belief because you know you're capable of more.

NO MORE hiding your talent and expertise under a bush (because that serves no one, especially not you!)

EMBRACE the shift that opens the door to more clients, more impact and more money - more fulfilment!

Meet Your Guide


Hey there, I'm Em, and my battle with impostor syndrome kicked off nearly a decade ago. 

Picture this: I'm at a coach’s CPD event, listening to Kim Morgan, the brains behind ‘The Coach’s Handbook: The 12 Traits That Trap Us’. She began describing impostor syndrome and suddenly I'm ticking all the boxes.

Realising I'd been holding myself back from career opportunities, battling performance anxiety, and downplaying my achievements was a wake-up call. 

I refused to let impostor syndrome define, or trap me. Instead, I dug deep, armed myself with strategies, and uncovered how these thoughts can sabotage success and stifle potential. Fast forward five years, and witnessing the impact of impostor syndrome on myself and fellow business owners during the pandemic, I recognised a glaring gap in support. 

Since then, I've poured my experiences and insights into group programmes, masterclasses, keynotes, and coaching sessions.  But here's the best bit: I'm not just offering information; I'm handing you the practical tools I wish I had back then. Because trust me, you don't have to stay trapped in impostor syndrome's clutches. No time like the present to rise.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I learn in this training?

You'll become aware of your own impostor experience and learn strategies to overcome it using a mix of questionnaires, reflective exercises and perspective-shifting philosophies and frameworks. This will enable you to take more impactful action i your business and feel better - more 'you '- doing so.

Who is this training ideal for?

It's perfect for expert coaches and anyone looking to feel more confident and self-assured about promoting what they do and sharing their talent and expertise to help others.  Whether you're still in the first couple of years in business or experiencing ‘a new level new devil’. This training and implementation support is tailored to help you spot your patterns and shift them.

What makes this training different from other masterclasses?

What sets this training apart is the combination of unique perspectives, mindset shifts and practical strategies combined with exercises to translate these into personalised insight. It's facilitated by someone with first hand experience, who’s gone on to work with 100s of business owners and who is also certified Hypnotherapist and Strengths Coach. 

Will there be any other resources or tools provided?

Absolutely! Along with recording there are a range of resources within the workbook and supporting emails from me, plus ongoing access to these materials for future reference.

Is there a money-back guarantee if I'm not satisfied with the training?

Due to the nature of this product, I do not offer refunds after purchase. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, please share your concerns with me via email at and I’ll do my best to make things right.

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© Copyright 2024 Emma O'Brien.