3 ways to work with me...
£2,000 pay in full.
OR pay £1,000 + two instalments of £500.
3-month 1 to 1 to help you achieve your business goals through building belief, owning your brilliance and making bold moves. I offer a free consultation to discuss how I can support you specifically.
£450, payable in full.
Rapidly overcome any fear holding you back with tailored-to-you hypnotherapy sessions and Go Fearwards® coaching, 2 x 90 minute sessions.
Explore how I can help you specifically with a free consultation.
£510, payable in full.
Discover what's uniquely powerful about you so you show up at your best, stand out from the crowd and create more success by being more 'you'.
CliftonStrengths report of your strengths 'DNA' (RRP £60) Plus 2 x 90 minute sessions.
I offer a complimentary walkthrough so you can see exactly what you get and the value to you.
Guided audio to awaken inner confidence for any situation without having to fake it in under 10 minutes!
© Copyright 2023 Emma O'Brien.